Always By Your Side
Receive guidance in every step of your cancer journey to get the best outcome
Cancer Journey Today

Side Effects
90% of people with cancer has 12-15 side effects

Most people have 2-3 complications and this results in several weeks to months of additional time off for treatment

Financial Impact
About 40% of families with cancer going bankrupt, and having long delays in being able to return to work or their life.
Why Helpsy Clinic?

We help to prevent or decrease cancer complications by 25-50%

Improve ability to stay on protocol

Enable people to be prepared

Enable people with cancer and their loved ones to help themselves
The Helpsy Solution
Whole health approach to care - An oncology clinician along with a whole healthcare plan that is comprehensive - to anticipate and address body, mind, social and support needs. Along with engaging and proactive communication.

Which Program is right for you?
Cost covered by Insurance/ FSA/HSA
Navigating Cancer Confidently
Initial assessment to understand your needs
Assign Cancer clinician and group
Immersive learning based on your treatment
Regular group visits to check-in support you throughout your journey
Stay on track with reminders and notifications
Access to Comprehensive on-demand library for almost any issue you may face
Access to experts and guest speakers
Live community with peer group

Prepare for Chemotherapy
A self guided course gain insights into:
What to expect during your Chemotherapy
What side effects can occur during your treatment
How to avoid complications
When to ask for help
Prepare for Radiation
A self guided to learn:
What to expect during your Radiation treatment
What side effects can occur during your treatment
How to avoid complications
When to ask for help

Prepare for Surgery
A self guided course to learn:
How to prepare for Surgery
How to manage pain after surgery
GET THE COURSEWe bring you evidence - based symptom management and navigation options for your health condition and connect you to trusted and verified experts

What Cancer Patients are Saying?

"I used to feel lifeless and very tired. My legs used to hurt all the time. Helpsy’s program and experts guided me on what I can do about it. They recommended a specific diet, lifestyle, and exercise routines to address these issues. Now I feel very well and I feel light. I don’t feel tired like before and I have energy to do work. I don’t have leg pain as before."
Garry J.

"I used to feel lifeless and very tired. My legs used to hurt all the time. Helpsy's program and experts guided me on what I can do about it. They recommended a specific diet, lifestyle, and exercise routines to address these issues. Now I feel very well and I feel light. I don't feel tired like before and I have energy to do work. I don't have leg pain as before."

“For years, I travelled to conferences because that was the only way to find the type of experts I wanted. Now with Helpsy, touch of a button, and I have access to the top experts and info in the comfort of my home. My Helpsy experts are my lifeline. Love it."
Susan S.
Meet San!
Sangeeta Agarawal (San) Founder & CEO (RN, MS, CAS) is a cancer patient advocate, world renowned oncology certified clinician and ground breaking symptom management researcher (NIH funded). She is an ayurveda and yoga doctor and computer scientist. San’s mission is to empower everyone going through cancer to have the best outcomes possible by simplifying and democratizing access to knowledge and becoming the CEO of their life. Through her non-profit Helpsy Access, she has proven, peer-reviewed outcomes in helping over 27,000 people with cancer accomplish significantly better outcomes and quality of life than average cancer patients.
World's Top Experts Love Our Solution

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