Implementation Hour: Take charge of your cancer treatment plan!
Sign Up Now!Most people feel overwhelmed when they are starting their treatment. Whether it is chemo, radiation, surgery or stem cell transplant. There is so much going on so fast that it's hard to get grounded and organized, but it doesn't have to be that way ...

Gain clarity and feel confident that you know important information

Create your full binder with information and your action plan

Learn how to Communicate with your loved ones and your medical team
Together, we will go over important points and create your personal file and action plan for:
- Your cancer and cancer treatment
- List potential side effects and plan
- Your clinical team and contact
- Prepare questions to Ask your health care team
- Develop Emergency plan
- Develop Logistics plan based on your treatment - transportation, food, etc.
- Prepare for your first appointment
- Leave management plan
- Diet & Physical Activity plan
- Self-care plan for emotional support
- Prepare plan on how family/friends can help you
- Learn key communication skills

What cancer patients are saying?

“My family didn’t know or understand how hard cancer is. I felt so hurt when they would be upset with me. Thanks to you for including them, now they understand and actually take care of me. It is nice to be cared for.”

“Seriously! You incorporated so much info on self-care and ways to manage symptoms with whole health approach. And you understand my culture and gave choices. I feel much more relieved and focused on caring instead of running around searching. And my friends and family can choose from the options to help me.”

“Wow! I didn’t know there were things I could do with my mom’s diet to help her with her nausea. She suffered needlessly. So glad we attended your course.”
Meet Your Instructor
Sangeeta Agarawal (San) is a cancer patient advocate, world renowned oncology certified clinician and ground breaking symptom management researcher (NIH funded). She is an ayurveda and yoga doctor and computer scientist. San’s mission is to empower everyone going through cancer to have the best outcomes possible by simplifying and democratizing access to knowledge and becoming the CEO of their life. Through her non-profit Helpsy Access, she has proven, peer-reviewed outcomes in helping over 27,000 people with cancer accomplish significantly better outcomes and quality of life than average cancer patients.
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What the Experts are saying?

What Cancer Patients are Saying?

“Thank you for helping us to understand. I found information on how to prepare for chemo treatment very helpful.”

“You helped all of us understand how we can help my wife as she is going through her cancer. Forever your fan!”

“This needs to be mandatory training offered to every person going through cancer treatment period. You saved me from complications and it's clear how it saves others.”
Our Partners

Community Partners
Charlotte Maxwell Center , Smith Center for Supportive Care , Beyond Conventional Cancer Care/CommonWell , Triage Cancer , Breast Cancer Patient Group, Gyn Onc Patient Group, Brain Tumor Patient Group, All can and many many more …